Inside the Journey of a Best-Selling Author: A Story of Love, Resilience, and Mystery

In the midst of adversity, Nina Simon embarked on an unexpected path that would lead her to become a best-selling author. This is the remarkable story of how 'Mother-Daughter Murder Night' came to life, serving as a beacon of hope and strength during a time of immense struggle.

A Phone Call That Changed Everything

Discover how a life-altering phone call propelled Nina Simon into a journey of resilience and creativity.

In August of 2020, Nina Simon received a phone call that would forever alter the course of her life. Her mother, Sarina Simon, revealed that her recent cognitive decline was caused by brain tumors requiring surgery. As Nina transitioned from running nonprofit organizations to becoming her mother's caregiver, she found solace in an unexpected place: writing.

During the challenging months that followed, Nina and her mother delved into the world of murder mysteries, seeking an escape from the hardships they faced. Inspired by their shared love for the genre, Nina began crafting her own murder mystery novel, 'Mother-Daughter Murder Night.'

A Superhero in the Midst of Adversity

Meet Lana Rubicon, the fearless protagonist of 'Mother-Daughter Murder Night,' and explore how she became a symbol of strength and resilience.

Lana Rubicon, the main character of 'Mother-Daughter Murder Night,' is a tough and vibrant L.A. Jewish businesswoman who unexpectedly finds herself battling cancer and moving in with her daughter and granddaughter. As Nina Simon poured her heart into writing Lana's story, she aimed to create an outrageous superhero who could bring a smile to her mother's face.

While Sarina Simon faced the challenges of her own illness, Lana Rubicon defied the odds, fearlessly pushing doctors and solving a gripping murder mystery. Through her fictional creation, Nina empowered her mother and herself, offering a glimmer of hope and inspiration during their darkest days.

A Journey of Healing and Connection

Discover how 'Mother-Daughter Murder Night' became a project of love and connection between Nina and her mother, providing a positive distraction during a difficult time.

As Nina Simon wrote the first draft of 'Mother-Daughter Murder Night,' she shared every scene with her mother, transforming the process into a deeply personal and meaningful experience. The book became a way for Nina and Sarina to bond, escape from the challenges of illness, and focus on a creative endeavor they could control.

'Mother-Daughter Murder Night' served as a positive distraction, allowing Nina and her mother to immerse themselves in a world of mystery and adventure. The dedication of the book reflects the profound impact Sarina had on its creation, acknowledging her as an invaluable reviewer and supporter.

A Story of Resilience and Hope

Witness the resilience of Sarina Simon and the power of storytelling as 'Mother-Daughter Murder Night' brings joy and strength to their lives.

Despite the challenges she faced, Sarina Simon demonstrated incredible resilience. She continued her treatment, engaged in activities like Pilates and hiking, maintained strong connections with friends, and actively volunteered in her community. Sarina's determination to live a full life became a source of inspiration for Nina and a testament to the power of hope and positivity.

'Mother-Daughter Murder Night' is not just a murder mystery novel; it is a symbol of love, resilience, and the indomitable human spirit. Through their shared journey, Nina and Sarina Simon have shown that even in the face of adversity, one can find strength, healing, and the ability to create something truly extraordinary.


The journey of Nina Simon, the author of 'Mother-Daughter Murder Night,' is a testament to the power of resilience, love, and storytelling. In the face of adversity, Nina found solace and strength in writing, creating a captivating murder mystery that not only entertained but also brought joy and inspiration to her and her mother, Sarina. Through their shared journey, they discovered the healing power of creativity and the importance of cherishing every moment. 'Mother-Daughter Murder Night' is a beautiful reminder that even in the darkest times, we can find light and hope through the power of storytelling.

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