Building Tomorrow: Averting Environmental Crisis With a New Economic System

In 'Building Tomorrow: Averting Environmental Crisis With a New Economic System,' Paddy Le Flufy presents a compelling perspective on the environmental and economic challenges facing the modern world. This book explores six organizational technologies that can bring about a new economic system capable of satisfying humanity's needs within planetary limits. Le Flufy provides real-world examples and practical guidance on how individuals and organizations can implement these technologies to create a sustainable future.

Understanding the Environmental Crisis

Explore the urgent need to address the climate crisis and its escalating impacts.

Paddy Le Flufy starts the book by highlighting the critical consequences of our current economic system: the climate crisis. He summarizes the alarming projections by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the escalating impacts of climate change in the present day. Le Flufy laments the inadequacy of current efforts, such as renewable energy investments and carbon taxes, to address the crisis effectively.

However, the book quickly moves beyond dwelling on the problems and delves into potential solutions. Le Flufy offers a fresh perspective on how we can build a new economic system that can meet humanity's needs without exceeding Earth's limits.

Organizational Technology: The Doughnut Paradigm

Discover the Doughnut paradigm and its potential to gauge an economy's sustainability.

The first organizational technology explored in the book is the Doughnut paradigm. Developed by Kate Raworth, the Doughnut provides a visual aid to assess whether an economy is meeting the needs of its people without surpassing ecological limits.

Le Flufy examines various efforts to apply the Doughnut at different scales, from global to local. This analysis reveals that no country currently meets the criteria of a developed country according to the Doughnut paradigm. Each region and community must navigate its unique challenges and socio-environmental context to develop sustainable strategies.

Embracing the Circular Economy

Learn about the circular economy and its potential to eliminate waste and promote sustainability.

The second organizational technology discussed is the circular economy, which aims to eliminate waste by mirroring nature's continuous renewal of resources. Le Flufy highlights various companies practicing circular strategies, such as adopting a 'sale-of-service' model and using natural, compostable materials.

By keeping products and materials in circulation for as long as possible through reuse, recycling, and repurposing, the circular economy offers immense potential for energy conservation, reduced resource extraction, and long-term environmental sustainability.

The Future Guardian: Balancing Profit and Social Good

Explore the concept of the Future Guardian and its role in balancing profit with stakeholder interests.

Le Flufy introduces the concept of the 'Future Guardian,' a new type of business entity that aims to balance the traditional profit motive with stakeholder interests and the broader societal good. These companies have an overall purpose and subordinate aims for different stakeholder groups.

By showcasing examples like Riversimple, Patagonia, and Fairphone, Le Flufy demonstrates how Future Guardian companies can revolutionize traditional business models and prioritize social and environmental impacts alongside profits.

Transforming Money and Economic Systems

Discover the three organizational technologies focused on improving money and economic systems.

The final three organizational technologies explored in the book focus on improving how money and economic systems work for the mutual benefit of people and the planet. Le Flufy provides a thorough examination of these technologies, offering practical insights and guidance.

These technologies, when combined with the previous ones discussed in the book, open up previously unimagined possibilities for development and pave the way for a sustainable and harmonious economic system.


In 'Building Tomorrow: Averting Environmental Crisis With a New Economic System,' Paddy Le Flufy presents a compelling vision for a sustainable future. By exploring six organizational technologies, including the Doughnut paradigm, circular economy, and the concept of the Future Guardian, Le Flufy offers practical guidance on how individuals and organizations can implement these technologies to create a new economic system that meets humanity's needs within planetary limits.

With real-world examples and insightful analysis, Le Flufy demonstrates that there are viable solutions to the environmental and economic challenges we face. By embracing these technologies, we can pave the way for a more sustainable and harmonious future for all.

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